Make a fake page that looks exactly like a real draft post.
Put whatever statistics you want—even a gazillion follower count.

How do I do this?

Simple and fast—just modify the url and you're good to go.

It's already populated with some sample stuff in the right format.

These are the variables:,000,001&p=534,367&b=57,500&l=2,541,687

Put your variables in and then click the text area in the fake draft section.
You can enter whatever you like.

"Hey Jack, Here's proof that I have a gazillion followers."

That's it. Save it, snip it, or screencap it and send the image to your victim.

Have some fun with it!

The links are all diabled except the avatar of the tumblr name you used.
Click that to try a Tumby Page.

  1. delete edit queue publish

    Click here and put whatever you like.